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Copperfield Park

May 2019 Hell's Canyon

We attempted, once again, to get to the viewpoint on the rim of the canyon. Last year we made it to the viewpoint but couldn't see anything because of the storm. This year we were blocked by snow on the road about five miles from the viewpoint. At least we had the opportunity to pick up some firewood for the campout.

Now there's a happy group of campers getting ready for a big bon-fire and some tall tales.

Wagonmaster Judy arranged for us to have a tour of Hell's Canyon Dam. There are three hydroelectric dams in Hell's Canyon. Hell's Canyon Dam is the second largest of the three and the second largest on the Snake River.

A dam operator told us what to expect inside. "It's pretty big!", he said.

Sure enough. He was right. This is the actual control room where operations are monitored and managed.

A view of the canyon on the return trip after the dam tour.
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