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2017 Samboree

The 2017 Samboree took place at the fairgrounds in Coeur d'Alene

Some of us arrived early so we could explore the area before the Samboree began. The gold mine in Kellogg was both interesting and informative.

The Cataldo Mission is Idaho's oldest building.

The mission was built in 1853 on a grassy knoll overlooking the Coeur d'Alene River.

As always, the Samboree had many fun things to see and do. Monica and Joyce participated in the Tractor Rodeo.

The veterans conducted a flag burning ceremony.

There was a dutch oven cookoff. Thank goodness Time To Travel participated. None of the other chapters did.

Many attendees lined up for a taste. They actually had enough food for their lunch.

Games, games, plenty of games.
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