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2015 Spring Fling

This year's Idaho Spring Fling took place at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Cambridge Idaho. Ron and Roberta McFadden, Assistant Directors Area 4, were the coordinators and hosts for the event.

The Spring Fling is one of two annual business meetings for the state Good Sam organization. But we also have fun and games. We took pictures mostly of the latter.

President Larry and Maxine present the Time To Travel Sams banner at the opening ceremonies.

While the women held their tea, the men gathered outdoors for a brown-bag lunch with guest speakers from the Idaho State Police who had special comments for RVers.

We always try to patronize community businesses when we hold these meetings. We may have overwhelmed the Senior Center. They prepared a special potato bar luncheon for us on a day they are not regularly open for business.

We'll try not to have too many pictures of us eating, but in this photo you can see a few of the attendees from Time To Travel. Six rigs represented our chapter.

Some of us visited the museum in Cambridge. We saw interesting displays of the history and geology of the area.

Now to the games. We participated in the usual indoor and outdoor games.

Ron and his regular swing golf partner, Karen, won the Swing Golf championship. They are really hard to beat.

Ken and Monica won first place in Pegs 'n Jokers.

Larry and Linda partnered up to take second place in Pegs 'n Jokers.

Kathy and Monica won the Pinochle championship.

A make-up team, including Jerry and Linda, won the Bean-Bag Baseball championship.

Linda was a good sport!

You should have been there to see Larry and Maxine doing the twist.

Entertainment by Les and Nancy ended with, God Bless America. Without prompting, the audience joined hands in a patriotic gesture.
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