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Photo Gallery

March Outing - Owyhee County Museum

Fifteen members of Time to Travel Sams met at the senior citizens center in Nampa for lunch, then caravaned to Murphy to tour the Owyhee County Museum.

This is the Owyhee County Museum in Murphy Idaho.

Judy, Donna and Roberta pose in front of the tack room display.

Sharon primes the water pump in the pioneer kitchen.

Bob pours Judy a cup of hot steaming coffee.

Jerry, Scott, Sharon, Eldon and Larry have been admiring the 1918 Model-T ford behind them.

This is a display of spurs used by cowboys in the region.

Maxine and Ron share memories of kitchen wood stoves they remember.

Eldon checks out the pioneer cabin while Dwight and Larry speculate about a piece of farm equipment.

Some of us squeezed into old school desks while the peanut gallery looked on from behind.

The kids are filing out of the old one-room school house.

Roberta and Scott have early memories of Marsing from their childhood.

Eldon and Scott examine an old mill saw.
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