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Southern Idaho Campout - 2013

The Southern Idaho Campout has taken place in the Emmett City Park for the last 19 years.

Mornings in October may be chilly, but the campfire is warm and inviting.

Seems like you can always find a game of Pegs & Jokers to join.

This campout always coincides with other events going on in Emmett. While the harvest festival was happening on Main Street, a Renaissance Faire was taking place out at the sports park.

The kids really enjoyed the mock battles. "Give 'em sticks and let 'em hit on each other."

Ross and Denice were horsing around.

Meanwhile, back at the park a game of bean-bag baseball is in progress. Bert is on third, (the tree), and Boots is ready to charge for home.

A bunch of us went to Cold Mountain Creek Restaurant for dinner.

Blue and orange... Guess what we are getting ready for. Wrong! First there was the ice cream social, then entertainment by the Gentrys, followed by dinner. Then we watched the football game.

Shelby, Taylyn and Grazzie entertained us Saturday afternoon.

They are known as the Gentrys. The girls were also the entertainment for the Samboree this year.
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