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April 2010 Campout
Hagerman RV Village

Our first campout for 2010 was in Hagerman Idaho. We had ten rigs show up, plenty of people for games. As always, we checked out the beautiful countryside near our campground -- starting with Thousand Springs.

You can't help but marvel at Thousand Springs as you drive past on hwy 30.

The spring just gushes right out of the wall of the canyon.

Ross found a fishing hole.

Some kids were catching golden trout near the state hatchery.

We spotted some pelicans in their breeding plumage. You can see the 'horn' the males grow on their beaks that drops off after mating.

Many pelicans and other birds could be seen on this island in the Snake River.

We stopped at the viewing area at Malad Gorge State Park.

The upper gorge as seen from the foot bridge.

Now the lower gorge as seen when you turn 180°.

This meadow lark is a permanent resident of the park.

This is the old one-lane bridge south of Hagerman.

And finally, we visited the alligator farm — on a very windy day.

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